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Connectors Plus is now Plan Zero

Connectors Plus is now Plan Zero. Did you know that it’s been eight years since we started? Eight years! They’ve flown by, but they’ve also brought us a lot of challenges and learning. Experiences that have led us to reflect, as we ask everyone we help to study abroad, onwhere we are and what the next steps are that we want to take. The answers to this reflection process have been momentous!

Our birthday comes with a surprise

We celebrated our birthday with a rebranding to define the new stage ahead of us. An evolution with a spark of revolution. Because we’re still the same but we feel the need to express it differently and show ourselves as we are in a completely open way. And above all, because doing our bit for a better world has always been in our DNA.

We believe in progress towards a more prosperous, empathetic, and tolerant world, where society is committed to both its own future and that of other people. A world where people’s capabilities are harnessed for the common good.

This is why we want to help young people discover and understand the world in which they live through international educational experiences involving cultural immersion and by promoting a responsible lifestyle.

Studying abroad is much more than travelling, it’s a transformative experience that helps shape the citizens of the future. Our purpose is clear: to help young people create a better world that secures their future.

We believe in youth as agents of change

We are in no doubt. Young people have the potential to tackle the major challenges we face as a society. And despite what you may think, young people know that these challenges can be solved by looking at the bigger picture and contributing their individual skills to the community. This is why we want to bring together the whole #changemakers community: those people who want to change the world right now. Will you join us?

Plan Zero by Connectors Plus

Connectors Plus is now Plan Zero. A new name. A new identity.

This new phase needs a new look, and a new name! That’s why Connectors Plus is now Plan Zero.

We keep our “pin” as an identifying symbol, because we don’t want to lose our connection to all the years of experience we’ve acquired. This pin also serves to position us, to ground ideas and people in a specific place, it makes us present here and now, and it also sets out the goals we want to achieve. It helps us to connect the present and the future.

In addition, we are giving a twist to our visual and verbal identity with a new, more dynamic, and youthful aesthetic. We’re committed to a more active and committed approach, because as Einstein warned, we can’t expect different results by doing the same thing over and over again. And at Plan Zero we want to revolutionise the international education sector.

Want to know the story behind our new name? Here’s a hint about our new naming style. You’ll see that it’s closely related to the way we understand studying abroad. Because we don’t have a dream, we have a plan.

Travelling leaves its mark

On you, on society, and on the planet. Our plan is for this international experience to be the link to achieve a more sustainable society and a more sustainable planet. Do you want to know how? We tell you about it in our impact section.

Want to know more? Want to join the #changemakers community?
We’re waiting for you!

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