Inicio / Impact
< h1>The social, ecological and economic impact of studying abroad

leaves its mark

Travelling leaves its mark. On you, on society and on the planet. That is why we plan this tranformative experience to be a bridge to make a more sustainable society and planet. We know that studying abroad has a social, economic and environmental impact and we want it to be a positive one. We believe in the potential of the #changemaker generation and we have a challenge: to create sustainable international educational experiences.

Impacto social positivo
For those studying abroad.

Positive social impactFor those studyingabroad.

PlanZero Students’ social impact

Travelling abroad is a transformative experience. Your experience. An adventure that will change you. There’s always a before and after when you study abroad, but do you know the best part? Where do we see the greatest potential?

The impact of studying abroad won’t just be on you. Because, although we like to see ourselves as independent people (and we are), we are also part of something bigger: society. Your education and experiences will shape the person you will become, and that person will shape the society to come. A society that faces great challenges and for which #ChangeMakers are needed.

Educational projects aligned with the SDGs
The SDGs are the roadmap to saving the planet and our societies by creating positive social, ecological and economic impact. At Plan Zero we believe it is our responsibility to help young people in their learning processes so that they understand the world around them and have the opportunity to develop social and environmental awareness that will lead us towards a better future.

For this reason, our educational itineraries are closely linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals are reflected in the motivation letters sent to international schools and are increasingly important in the admission of students.

At Plan Zero we help bring together the passion of our young people with social and environmental impact through current challenges to create a generation of #changemakers

Education as Change Makers
Travelling is, in itself, transformative. Everything about the experience changes people. It is the best medicine against racism and intolerance. It helps get to know different societies and cultures better. It is a practical learning of social skills. It promotes independence, decision-making, relationships with other people… In short, it is a tool to create a generation of young people who are aware and sustainable. Will you join the Change Makers generation?

Positive social impactFor countries and cities of destination.

PlanZero Social impact on destinations
How can an educational experience abroad contribute to the sustainability at the destination? We want to encourage sustainable travelling so that our students become interested in the traditions and culture of local communities, learn about and respect the heritage and biodiversity of the destination, and, above all, practice respect, tolerance and empathy with the people they live with and meet.

Ultimately, we want every trip to have a positive social and environmental impact and bring prosperity to the destinations and their communities. If this resonates with you, we want to meet you!

Volunteering programmes at the destination
To foster a sensitive and responsible awareness of both local and global social and environmental issues, Plan Zero helps our students get involved in volunteering programmes in their countries of destination as part of their experience abroad. These experiences are also highly valued by foreign universities when considering applications because they show, along with the SDGs, a person’s commitment to their social and ecological impact on the world.

Our students have already participated in volunteering projects at British Heart, Mind, Oxfam and Scope thrift shops. They have also supported charity events and races, such as Cancer Research’s Race for Life. It’s a way of giving back to the destinations for all that they offer us.

Information on sustainable travelling
From packing a sustainable suitcase to leaving your destination country with the smallest possible footprint. We’ll accompany you throughout your trip, giving you tips on how to incorporate sustainable habits into your daily life while making the most of your experience abroad. We’ll guide you to create positive social impact wherever you go. And we will learn with you how to do it better so that our footprint at our destinations is always positive.

Positive social impact
For the countries and cities of destination.

Positive social impact
For Plan Zero.

Positive social impactFor Plan Zero.

Positive social impact for PlanZero
We also want to make our mark here: on our team, on our processes and on our community. We know there are many things we can do and we are committed to improving every day. But, above all, we want to tell you about it: what we think we got right and what we got wrong.

Sustainability is a global effort, but you can never be 100% sustainable. Our journey to create social and ecological impact is one that we want to make with you. What if you come up with an idea that we can implement? What if you find that something is missing? Tell us about it! That’s the only way we can keep improving.

We offset CO2 from our air travel
We are committed to offsetting the carbon footprint of all the flights we travel on. We know that transport has a very significant role to play in sustainable development. By burning fuel, flights produce greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), which contribute to global warming when released into the atmosphere. That is why we are working on this commitment to reduce the impact.
We promote the use of efficient means of transport
We know that this is not always possible, but when it is, we are committed to promoting more sustainable alternatives to air travel, such as the train. We are also committed to promoting more efficient means of transport transport while abroad by providing information on the different options available and their environmental impact, such as the different public transport systems, second-hand bicycles for hire or purchase, etc.
Code of ethics
At Plan Zero we believe in the potential of people. That is why we want to have the best possible team and the best network of partners. To this end, we have defined a code of ethics that defines our values and represents a common agreement to work with respect and responsibility.
Equality Plan

At Plan Zero we understand that the actions taken towards equal employment opportunities in our organisation will not in themselves lead to equal opportunities in society, but they will contribute very positively to achieving a change.

Download our Equality Plan

Zero-mile Suppliers Plan
We think global and act local. We are aware that the social, economic and environmental impact can be multiplied by working with local suppliers. Thus, we have a network of local suppliers for the internal needs of the company and we are working on a network of international partners to work with local suppliers in each destination.
Sustainable design

We have a sustainable graphic design team that is helping us implement triple bottom line criteria in all our designs, because we want them to be greener, more accessible and more egalitarian. We know that every decision counts and that sustainable design not only has an impact on the environment, but can also have a positive social an economic impact.

Thanks to the sustainable design studio, today we have developed an improvement plan to:

  • Incorporate inclusive language and a gender perspective in all our communications.
  • Increase our accessibility standards.
  • Reduce the use of materials. We have not sent out printed brochures for years.
  • Ensure that all our corporate materials are made from recycled paper, long-lasting sustainable materials and printed with vegetable-based inks.
Energy efficiency and waste reduction
  • Our office uses 100% green energy through the company Fenie Energía.
  • The company Aguasana, from Baiona (Pontevedra) supplies us with water in returnable glass bottles.
  • We have crystal glasses for office use.
  • We have reusable thermo cups that we use outside the office and refillable bottles for when we are on the move. And we encourage these ideas among our students.
  • We separate and recycle all materials that arrive or are used in the office, with waste separation points on our premises.
  • We use a leased printer and try to reduce paper usage as much as possible.
  • If absolutely necessary, we use 100% recycled paper.

Our improvement plan includes:

  • Reduce our partner’s use of paper through digitalisation processes. For example, forms and documentation necessary for course management.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of our offices and heating appliances.

Do you want to study abroad with Plan Zero?