PlanZero Families
Inicio / Programs under 18

Studying abroad as a minor

The road to the futurebegins today


Do you want to study abroad as a minor? It doesn’t matter how old you are or where you are academically. There is a program that fits your needs and we can help you find it. It’s never too early or too late to change the world. And change starts with you. Ready?

Study abroad as a minor
Have a plan!


Benefits of studying abroad as a minor

A classmate of mine just swam across the strait. Wow, How does someone get to do something so extraordinary?.

The first time Alicia touched the water her mother held her by the arms as her little feet approached the waves of the Vao beach. The fear of the unexpected was dissipated by the security offered by her mother, who held her lovingly while explaining in detail everything that was happening.

Over the years they decided to sign her up for swimming. Not to become a professional, but to learn the skills needed to stay afloat and be prepared for any unforeseen event. A birthday in a pool, a current that pulls you into the sea… life can always surprise you and her parents wanted her to be prepared.

Alicia also decided to continue improving her technique. I wanted to be able to swim brilliantly and go as far as I could. What an attitude! So he kept looking for ways to improve until he got that Wow! that fascinated us

Touching the water, learning to swim or improving technique were fundamental steps to get this far. In the same way as taking a family language immersion trip, enjoying a summer in group with monitor or studying a year at an international school are experiences that open doors to any idea of ​​the future. And who doesn’t want to be prepared?

At PlanZero we have spent years helping to configure plans to study abroad appropriate to each situation. Shall we start?

You’ll want to tell the world about it
#changemakers experiences


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