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See you next summer!

At CONNECTORS PLUS we love September…well, June, July, and August too…

We look back on all the great times we’ve had over the summer: our nervous and excited students at the airport saying goodbye to their families and stealing a glance at their new companions who will be by their side for two, three, or four weeks of jokes and adventures in theIsle of Wight, in Bournemouth, in Chichester, in Cambridge

The first friendships form on the plane and the initial instructions are given by the monitors Pablo, Pedro, Ana, and María: safety and companionship first and foremost.

We arrive. The WhatsApp groups are buzzing: My housemate is French, We’re with some Russians, We’re going to the beach, who’s up for it?, Send your location!!!

“Please, guys, be punctual tomorrow morning”.

And time flies by with classes, trips, bike routes, games on the beach, punting on the river Cam, disco evenings, games, camaraderie with fellow group members and monitors, conversations, anecdotes, and laughter.

With their English certificates under their arms, it’s time to pack their suitcases to return: Ana, my suitcase is somehow smaller than before, let’s see if sitting on it will make it close…

They want to go back because they miss their grandmas’ omelettes, but they want to stay forever with those friends with whom they already want to plan next summer. Farewells with tears and hugs. On the way home, the WhatsApp group is buzzing again: “Ugh I miss you already”, “Let’s meet up already!”.

Guys, girls, it’s been great to share these summer days with you, see you next summer!

That’s why we love September. Now, the new school year arrives with new challenges.

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