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Consultancy for studying abroad

Making decisions is easy
when you know how

Making decisions is easy
when you know

Sometimes, making decisions about our future can be overwhelming – and nobody can change the world by doing what they don’t like! That’s why we want to help you. We’re specialists in consultancy for studying abroad.

Step Zero.Win or lose?

When you play basketball, you have three steps to make your play. Three. Just three. Those are the rules of the game.

But did you know that in the NBA, catching the ball already counts as a step? Without even moving your feet. Just catching the ball with your hands. From that point on, you have only two more steps to make. Why?

That moment is called Step Zero and it’s decisive. You pick up the ball and, at that moment, you decide what your next step is going to be before you move. You think, you analyse, you decide, and then you move. Logical, isn’t it?

At PlanZero we know it is. You can’t study abroad without having a plan. Without thinking, analysing, and making informed decisions. That’s why our consultancy service for studying abroad is the solid foundation on which to start your journey to have a #changemaker experience.

How can we do it?

Academic consultancy and guidance for studying abroad




We’ll analyse your starting point with you. We will discover your skills, capabilities, and tools.



We’ll set your goals. Yours, not someone else’s. The focus is on what you want and need.



We’ll identify solutions and options so that you can set the itinerary. Your path, your decision.

With information and knowledge it’s easier to make decisions, good decisions.

To make good decisions, sometimes we need to get to know ourselves better in order to identify our needs and motivations. Knowing our personality helps us to learn how to improve different areas in our lives, and also improves our ability to adapt our behaviour to the situations or circumstances at any given moment by improving our communication skills.

At PlanZero we have specific training and the Behavioural Analyst Certification to guide you towards the most appropriate path. Thanks to our advice on studying abroad you’ll identify the path, you really want to take.

Discover your personal profile
with DISC

Using this tool we’ll obtain a behaviour-based personality profile. Through a test, we’ll identify:

  • How you respond to challenges.
  • How you relate to and influence others.
  • How you respond to changes and the pace of your surroundings.
  • How you respond to rules and procedures.

The vocational module also indicated the areas and careers that best match your behavioural style, vocational interests, and educational strengths.

Request more information

We know everything there is to know.
We help you to make sure you have everything you need.

Better safe than sorry